ten ways to get out of a rut

If you want the answer to that you will have to google it, perhaps you did and that’s why you are here?

I don’t actually know the answer to this…

wait, give me a minute. okay, here are my suggestions:

  1. Change your scenery - maybe move your furniture around, this always helps me. Sometimes I even swap rooms just for a change.

  2. Take ah hour-long walk. If you can, do it alone in the woods.

  3. Write it out. Get a piece of paper and write, don’t stop, and don’t think about what you are writing - just write, when you are finished tear it up or paint on it or burn it.

  4. If you can, cuddle - with another human or an animal. Lately, I have been deep into chicken cuddling. They seem to enjoy it as much as I do.

  5. Learn something new. There’s always something new to learn, whether it be how to make a bracelet or how to be happy, the internet is here for you!

  6. Play a video game. I know, I know, but video games have been proven to improve moods and anxiety and depression. Minecraft is my video game of choice and I won’t tell you just how many hours I played with my son when my daughter went to college, but I will tell you it somehow made me feel less sad and less anxious. I am also kind of proud of my full stack of diamonds.

  7. Make a mood board! Make it out of collage, or make it online using Tumblr, or make a new Pinterest board of things you want in your life.

  8. Make a cake. heck - this should have been number one! If you aren’t a cake person (how?) then make a new recipe - something you want to try that’s new to you!

  9. Dance! The feeling after a good dance session is like no other. Don’t know how to dance? just move your body to music, don’t think about it, just feel it.

  10. Let it all out. Scream, laugh, cry, sob, get down on your hand and knees and throw a full-blown tantrum. Just know you are human, this heavy feeling of being stuck, for whatever reason, will come and will go. It’s part of the eternal suffering we call life and all of us go through it, some more than others, but still…it’s there, waiting in the shadows.


I actually didn’t plan this list or have any idea of what I was going to write about until I started writing. I was thinking about how I feel like I am in some kind of rut, like a lot of us, and so I googled “rut” just to make sure that’s what the saying is and low and behold the first thing I read (but didn’t click on) was “ten ways to get out of a rut.” As I scrolled down, everything on the first page was ways to “help” one get out of a rut. The phrase comes from when wheels of a covered wagon would get stuck in a rut in the road and make the journey a lot longer, due to the difficulty of moving quickly. Today it just means to feel unmotivated, going nowhere. I can relate to this feeling. Feeling more unmotivated than ever, but trying, here and there to be productive. I spent the morning painting a painting I hated and so I took a break, cuddled my chickens, made some tea, and started over and painted the piece above, one I feel much better about. Sometimes it takes making something we hate to push us into the place of starting over. The only problem is when we don’t start over and just quit with the hating part. I understand this but also love to prove to myself that I can do it, even if it takes me multiple tries.