So, I thought that if I created a new blog space I would feel encouraged to blog more often.... {excuse me while I bang my head on the table}. It's not that difficult, but I seem to make a production out of everything.
Already July, and I feel like my summer is quickly seeping into an abyss filled with busy days of this and that, summer camps, too short of visits with some of my favorite people, deadlines, and rain... lots and lots of rain. But wait, isn't summer supposed to be slow and sweet, where you spend all morning sitting on the front porch sipping mint iced tea, listening to the earth chirp, and watching the clouds roll on by... woe is me, it isn't for me, but that sure sounds dreamy. Life is a constant whirlwind and for now I am just letting the current take me along instead of putting up my usual fight. And even though there seems to be little space for making art in this prevailing whirlwind, I still try to find room to be creative, somehow or other. Sketching on car rides, making a beautiful salad for dinner, taking artsy photos, and when possible, staying up way too late to paint my heart out. When I am not able to create I am gathering ideas for later, making lists of everything I want to do when time feels as if it's moving at a slower pace, whenever that may be. All this talk of time makes me feel as though my thoughts are redundant, nevertheless, it's a constant endeavor, trying to balance everything, making time for myself while I have enough time and energy for those in my family to make their lives more fulfilling. It's when life is so full like this that makes me realize that I cannot live without art in my life, I cannot function properly without some kind of creative outlet. I wither and fade and become intolerant of myself, so I must find ways to satiate my infinite creative appetite, even if it only feels like I am skimming the surface of the vast possibilities of what I want/could do. And every so often these small attempts of creativity flourish into something bigger, I suppose it's yet another lesson in patience.

Above is some of my most recent work. {click on each to view larger} Yes, my work is changing. Isn't it suppose to? I am drifting into the next direction of my art path, not sure where it will go from here or how it will continue to change, but that's what makes it so exciting! I remember listening to a Terry Gross interview not that long ago where she asked the person (I wish I could remember who it was she was interviewing...) she was interviewing about how their work was changing, they compared it to how the Beatles songs changed over time, from the pop songs they wrote earlier on, like "love me do" to their more reflective songs written later in their career, like "Let it be", While some wanted their work to never change, it had to, they had to evolve to keep creating. Although I am no Beatle (but if I could be I'd be John) I certainly feel that it's important for my work to change as I change. I am not the same person I was a year ago, so my work shouldn't be the same either. I really love seeing how my work evolves depending on how I am feeling or different influences. Since moving to Pittsburgh I have spent a lot of time in the Carnegie Art Museum and the Warhol Museum, completely entranced by the artwork so closely available for inspiration. Each and every time I go to the museums I feel renewed and anxious to lock myself away in my studio.... when time allows. ;)
“You will never be able to experience everything. So, please, do poetical justice to your soul and simply experience yourself.” -Albert Camus
I recently shared a few days with some very lovely people on Bainbridge Island. Serena Berry, an amazing host brought us all together for making art, dancing, laughter, tears, and that magic that happens when such gatherings occur. Although everyone that was there isn't pictured here you can tell that there is a deep appreciation and love encompassing us. How lucky, how grateful, how invigorated I feel from these days. From this journey on to the next... my family and I spent a few days in bliss at our dear friend's beautiful house in St. Louis.
The greatest gift of life is friendship, and I have received it. - Hubert H. Humphrey

We then came home to celebrate this darling girl with some vegan cake and a day at Phipps Conservatory.... as she continues to makes her way into the future. She has started a blog and keeps up with it a heck of a lot better than I do mine, obviously I am impressed! :) {ophiblu}
What's coming up for me?
Some big changes that I will (hopefully) blog about later.
I am taking part of this Wonderful online offering "Camera Craft" by Galia, where she will share her love for photography, and provide a space for others to join in and share as well. I will be focusing on Portraiture and how I go about creating many of the images I post on Instagram and on my blog.
Later this year I will be teaching at Squam ~ Into the Mystic ~ Then at Jenny Doh's Crescendoh Studio again, this time in October. Then I will be making my way to Idaho to teach at Christy Tomlinson's She Matters Retreat. Next year I will be co-teaching with my dear friend Katie Kendrick at Ghost Ranch.
" i imagined a lot of things. that i would shine. that i'd be good. i'd dwell bareheaded on a summit turning a wheel that would turn the earth and undetected, amongst the clouds, i would have some influence; be of some avail. " - patti smith